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BFCM Offer!!! Get a FREE intent analysis for every visitor/traffic to your Shopify store. 🚀
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Free Real-Time Intent Analysis for the Shopify store visitors, exclusively for DTC Live audience.

Boosting conversion rates isn't as straightforward as it seems! Marketers invest billions to segment audiences and drive traffic to their e-commerce sites, only to find that visitors are often treated the same way.

Intent is the key difference between clicks that lead to conversions. Cooee examines 40+ micro-behaviors in real-time to determine each visitor's position in their buying journey.With our CRO Copilot, we enhance visitors' conversion journeys with AI-powered insights and personalized nudges.This real-time intent led automated sales funnel helps marketers convert more of the traffic that lands on their Shopify store.

At COOEE we say, an awesome customer journey starts with a customer, not a product or the company.
Do not allow potential revenue to slip through the cracks!
  • Channel wise break-up of your incoming traffic/visitors - low, medium, high intent.
  • Overall conversion rate with a beak up of top performing and non performing UTM sources
  • Revenue leakage with top-performing views but least add-to-carts.
  • Revenue leakage from top ad-to-carts but least conversions/purchases.

Get in touch

Schedule a meeting with us on Calendly to learn more!

Unlock our secret sauce. Here's how you benefit.

Increase AoV

Cooee's real-time analysis uncovers each visitor's unique journey, enabling personalized engagement strategies.

Increase ROAS,  Reduce CAC

Cooee excels in optimizing operations for businesses by addressing high customer acquisition costs (CAC) and low LTV (lifetime value).

Decrease Abandoned Cart

Cooee reduces cart abandonment with personalized offers.